friday reflections – feb 12

Today, just a couple links.

  1. The Social Dilemma
  2. Rabbit Hole

The Social Dilemma is a doc on Netflix. After watching this I decided to take social media off my phone. I still have my accounts, still check them, but not on my phone and not as frequently. It took, roughly, 2-3 months to get over my automatic swiping to the now non-existent apps and to get over the urge to check them several times a day.

Rabbit Hole is a New York Times eight-part podcast. It was really well done, really interesting. Especially the first couple of episodes with the guy who dipped far to the right and then far to the left, by the same exact means.

Both of these gave me a lot to think about in terms of how I interact with the interwebs and how I’d like to encourage our boys to interact with it. I’m be curious to hear what other folks thought of them so hit me up if you’ve watched / listened.

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