photo friday — 7.12.19

I turned 40 last week. We spent a few days up in British Columbia at the Harrison Hot Springs hotel and then came home to a small party with friends.

Things have been pretty sad lately. My dad’s health has taken a downturn and I’ve been home to see him twice in the last month. But I keep looking at this picture and it fills me with warmth and thankfulness.

Someday I’ll tell you the story about what’s in that box. How it was supposed to be a reprint of the Georgia O’Keefe painting that I stared at for 40 minutes when Jason and I visited the Seattle Art Museum a few months ago — a painting that “sunk deep into my soul” called Music — Pink and Blue No. 1. Instead, it was Music — Pink and Blue No. 2.

Someday, folks! Someday. It’s still a little too fresh for J!

Anyway, I keep looking at this picture. The boys decorated the box with several personalized messages for me and we were laughing at our dog, who kept trying to crash the photo. Their faces are everything in this picture. I almost can’t even look at them. It’s like looking into the sun.

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