Kitchen Inspiration

Ever since making over our playroom last Fall, I’ve been on a rampage mission to cull things in other areas of our house as well.  I am still enjoying the calm and simple design in the playroom and I’m eager to extend the same feeling to the rest of the house. I just finished our entry closet and I’ve been working on the master closet for several weeks now (it’s almost done — just as soon as I rally to paint that final dresser).

Next up will be the kitchen.  The cupboards need cleaning out and reorganizing, I need to pack some things up for Goodwill, and I want to move a few things around.  Here’s what I’ve been looking at for some inspiration before tackling this next project…

Photo via Escapade
We currently have several of the Burken Jars from Ikea and they work well for us.  I might pick up a few more and find a way to label them.

spice jars

These are the spice jars that we already have.  But many of ours have broken lids and they are generally looking pretty ratty.  I need to clean them and re-label them.

Photo via theholidaygirl928 @ Flickr

We have a lid situation at our house.  We can’t find a suitable spot to store the lids for our pots and pans.  We’ve tried three different spots in the last three weeks and none of them seem to suit.  Either Jason has to bend down too far and hunch over to reach them or I’ve got lids falling on my head when I reach up to pluck them from our overhead option.  We have a wall where a few open-air shelves might work, like the ones above.  We had a few in our last house and I’m wondering if they would be a good option here as well.

Here’s the set up from our old kitchen when it was all shiny and new…


Just looking at these photos makes me eager to get moving.
Tell me: What area of your house needs decluttering and/or reorganizing?  Maybe we can share some inspiration and work on it together.

For photo credits & links, hover your cursor over the photo in question.

9 thoughts on “Kitchen Inspiration

  1. The laundry room at our apartment is a total disaster. When we moved, we went from a 2 bedroom to a 1 bedroom so all the stuff that was in the guest room/office is now in the (much smaller) laundry room. I need to go through about 20 or so boxes…ugh.

  2. My lotions, medicines, soaps and all the other things under the bathroom sink run away from me all the time. If you have ideas for those please share! Perhaps getting a pedestal sink would help. 🙂 P.S. I keep my pot lids in my roasting pan, held up by the rack thing in the front of my pot cabinet. I also slimmed down my pans-with-lids collection to a single set… I also rarely cook so please take that into consideration. 🙂

  3. Love the Burken jars. Heres an easy label idea…Martha Stewart makes chalkboard labels that you can stick on jars for easy labeling. Super cute, too!

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