friday reflections – 3.5.21

^ photo from the once-yearly snow we get in Seattle — it was such a big deal when it finally came, even the dog went sledding.

I was such a good mom before I had kids. That’s what I told Jason earlier this week when we were breaking down a parenting dilemma and trying to figure out the best course of action. I tell ya, it’s so much harder to be a good parent when there are actual kids involved.

Enter a new podcast. I heard Wendy Mogel on Armchair Expert last year and thought she was pretty brilliant. Well, now she’s got her own podcast hosted by AE and so far, it’s pretty great. Even if you don’t have kids, I think these might be worth a listen. She is great at dissecting interactions between partners and she introduces all these new words, which are fascinating. I’ve been thinking about our “familect” ever since listening to the first episode and I’m really looking forward to the others.

Have a listen and have a good weekend, friends. Until next week.

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