3 Fun Finds – Workout Edition

Remember when I did a triathlon?   This week is when I started training for it 2 years ago and looking back, I’ve come a long way.  Mainly because I stopped drinking milk but that’s a different story for a different day.   Whatever the reason I now manage to workout almost every day and I no longer feel like dying while I do it, which is an added bonus.

Last Summer we realized that with our boys a little older, we were no longer using our Y membership for much more than a quick workout now and again.  With the boys in school, I’m not desperate for the childcare anymore and Jason prefers to run and workout outdoors.  We could no longer justify the cost so we cancelled our membership and decided to search Craigslist for a rowing machine instead.   I need something low impact and the rower at the Y was my most favorite.  We managed to find a used one within a couple weeks and set it up straightaway.

Most weeks now I row 2 or 3 times, walk once or twice and then mix it up with some yoga or circuit training videos.  I looked into a barre3 subscription at one point but I’ve found so many free workout videos online that I decided I didn’t need to pay for any subscriptions. Here are my 3 current faves…


Do Yoga With Me


This site is free and you can filter your search by how long you’d like your workout to be, what sort of yoga you’re looking for, and what level (beginner, intermediate, advanced).  I’ve tried several and I’ve liked almost all of them.  I did this one last week and really enjoyed it.

There are a few videos that you have to pay to access but the majority are free.


Fitness Blender

fbWhen I want something with higher intensity, I opt for one of the videos from Fitness Blender.   It’s completely free, has really great search options and a lot of a videos to choose from.  The site is really easy to navigate and always leaves me a little sore.


7 MWC App

Have you read the research about the seven minute workout?   You can read the NYT piece about it here.  I tried to do the exercises on my own for several months but finally decided to pay the $2.99 for the app.  It’s made the workout so much more enjoyable.  It times you, tells you what’s next, alerts you when you are halfway through the exercises and basically puts your through your paces so that you don’t have to keep looking at your stop watch and checking your list to see what’s next.  Definitely worth the 3 bucks.  I do this one when I feel more of a time crunch.  I set it for 4 cycles and I’m done in 28 minutes.  I think it might get me huffing and puffing more than any of the others.


Anyone else workout at home?  What are your go-to workouts?

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