this introverted mama

I used to think that being an introvert meant you were shy.  And extravert = outgoing.  Not being a terribly shy person, I was always told and believed myself to be an extravert.  But a few years ago, my friend, Belinda explained to me that no, I was not an extravert; that I was, in fact, quite the introvert.  I didn’t believe her.

Here was some basic evidence she pointed out:

  • You could not pay me enough to enter a room full of strangers and mingle for an hour.  Well, maybe you could.   But I wouldn’t like it.
  • I cannot get enough alone time.
  • After our weekly community group meets on Tuesday nights (which I enjoy immensely), I am EXHAUSTED
  • Large parties are always a daunting business.  In large settings, I’d prefer to find one person, sit on the couch and not move.  At all.

Here’s the VERY basic definition as I understand it.  This is by no means an exhaustive look.

Introvert = someone who is energized by being alone.
Extrovert = someone who is energized by being with others.

Like this…

I instantly felt like I understood myself in a whole new way.  My life growing up with my extremely extraverted (and very dear) sister, who doesn’t even like to floss by herself, suddenly came into focus.  So much of my behavior made more sense.  Belinda was right, it turns out.  Does everyone already know this stuff?

So I’m an outgoing introvert.  Who knew?  I don’t just like having time to myself.  I need time to myself.   And it has occurred to me recently that being an introvert is at direct odds with having toddlers/preschoolers.  I know that it will not always be this way.  One or both of my boys might end up being introverted as well (pretty please) and then we can all live peaceably together with long periods of silence and navel gazing in between all our dance parties and chatty meal times.  That’s what I’m telling myself anyway.  But right now?   If there is a coping thresh hold for introverted parents, I think I reach it almost daily.  Kids are so… up in your business.  Physical boundaries don’t exist.   Plus they are completely needy.  They whine and carry on about totally unreasonable things.  And the talking.  Oh my word, the talking.  The sheer amount of words coming at me at all times from all sides.

This morning…

Isaiah: Ca’ I have ‘stachios?  (“Could I have some pistachios?”)
Me: Yes, I’ll get you some pistachios.  Let me finish getting brother some juice and I’ll get you some pistachios.  (Gryffin, meanwhile, saying “Mom, did you for-get my juuu-ice?  Did you for-get my juuu-ice?”
Isaiah: Ca’ I have ‘stachios?  Ca’ I have ‘stachios?  Ca’ I have ‘stachios?  Ca’ I have ‘stachios?   Ca’ I have ‘stachios?  Ca’ I have ‘stachios?  Ca’ I have ‘stachios?  Ca’ I have ‘stachios?  Ca’ I have ‘stachios?   Ca’ I have ‘stachios?

Until my head explodes.

Seriously, they just talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk and talk.  Constantly.   In so many ways, I love it and wouldn’t want it any other way.  Except maybe with intervals of complete and total silence.  I’m not suggesting that you extraverted folks would be able to handle this kind of incessant banter better (would you??) but my thresh hold for it seems much lower than, say, my sister’s or some of my other extraverted friends.   Jason is also an introvert (though slightly less so than me, I think) and some (ok, most) evenings after we get the boys in bed, we do not speak to each other for at least an hour. Sometimes longer.   It’s like we physically can’t speak.   And I would guess that it’s the reason why some weeks we struggle to feel as connected with one another as we would like.  We both just feel completely filled to the brim and we’ve got nothing left.   So we retreat to our blissfully silent places in survival mode, sitting side-by-silent-side on the couch, reading, writing or just spacing out.

I like my friends, my family.  And I like spending time with them.   And I love those boys crazy much.  But I seem to have an “all filled up” capacity and I reach that capacity SO much sooner now that the boys are at this particular life stage.  It’s a fun stage and I’m thoroughly enjoying it but I’m functioning at my absolute limit most days.  And the thought of spending the boys’ nap time in anything but complete solitude is mildly alarming to me.  I’m wondering if other introverted people find this stage of life difficult?  Does it get better?  I’m constantly seeking out space that is quiet or solitary.  Or if you’re an extravert, what difficulties do you have that might be different from your introverted counterparts?    Like, is nap time lonely for you (I cannot fathom that this is so)?   Talk to me, people.

And in the meantime…


18 thoughts on “this introverted mama

  1. Brilliant Nancy! You’ve probably already heard of/read this book by Susan Cain called Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking. If not, I’ll lend you my copy next week! 🙂 It’s more of a treatise on how our society undervalues “introverted behavior” particularly in a professional setting. Lots of good psychology and helpful advice. Though not sure how to address the ” ‘Ca I have ‘stachios” and the “Did you forget my juice!” symphony…

  2. Nance! I’m so glad you posted this on FB! I had the same realization last year. While I’m not a mom right now, I reach my limit in other ways…I blogged about it too:
    I might have mentioned the Little Mermaid as being on our Introvert Team as well…
    Thanks for braving the way for the rest of us introverts before we have chatty children one day 🙂

  3. Oh Nancy, you and I are much more alike than I realized because you just described me (and Clay) to a tee. Everything you said, yes. I’ve been really wAnting to read this book called Introverts in the Church, have you heard of it? I think it’s about how do much of modern Evangelicalism is geared toward extroverts and sees their qualities as more spiritual. Maybe you should do a book review. 🙂

  4. ok nancy, this is just weird. in a good way. i started reading a book about/for introverts over the weekend and started to think “eff, i definitely can’t have kids!” and then you posted this. but really. i honestly don’t know HOW you host cgroup. just, wow.

  5. OK Noncers, I have this operating theory to add to yours…. I believe that “extraversion” is a finite thing… in other words, even if you are extraverted, you have a finite amount of it in you, and you eventually use it up. Given my vocational path these last 30 years, I think mine got used up! So here I sit as someone who lived and thrived in multiple groups for so many years, and is now at a point in life where I only want to be one-on-one, or work for hours every day alone. And love it. I like people, I’m socially capable, but I am drained by groups of people. HOWEVER, I am not drained by one-on-one interactions…

    Granted, on the Myers-Briggs I’ve always been E/I, so who knows, maybe I’m not a true extravert.

    PS Just found out that extravert and extrovert mean the same thing. Always thought they were different.

  6. Nonce!

    It NEVER occurred to me that you might be an introvert – NEVER! But now that you’ve made me re-examine my “extraverted” assumption, I totally see it. It only took me 33 years to finally affirm the totally obvious! Amazing! But clearly correct. It makes me wonder how many other totally incorrect assumptions I’ve been laboring under all of these years. Do I even understand who I am? No answer required!

    Lots of love, Didds

  7. Super enlightening, Nonce! I always thought of myself as kind of in the middle, but more of an introvert in some cases. You’ve always seemed much more outgoing in groups than me. And I feel shy with people I don’t know well. But true story that I would always rather be in the company of someone close to me than alone- except at nap time! I’m right with you at nap time. Silence is really best, and I don’t feel lonely at all. Although it is always more friendly when Steve is home to share the downtime with me! At this moment declaring a myself an introverted extrovert. 🙂

  8. I found your blog through Momestry … so I don’t know you but I was intrigued with your response so I clicked it and read and read and read. Then I can upon this “introvert” post and WOW … I have been wrong for so long and this post struck home. I will be a new reader and “friend you haven’t met” hoping to learn more from your writings. Thank you my friend because I am truly an “introvert”!

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